A Textbook of Jurisprudence

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Publication date:



680 pages


Price: 1095.00 INR

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Publication date:



680 pages


null Edition

Sir George Paton

Rights:  India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, and Myanmar

null Edition

Sir George Paton


This re-issue of the fourth edition of this calssic provides for students a detailed and careful examination of the key issues in the study of jurisprudence, the notion of law itself. It offers a lucid introduction to various approaches to the study of jurisprudence and shows that the different schools are not contradictory but complement each other. beginning with the nature of jurisprudence and the evolution of law, the book covers key areas such as the purpose of law, its sources, the relationship between law and the state or public law, and the major concepts in private law, including legal personality, property, possession, remedial rights, and the extinction of rights.

null Edition

Sir George Paton

null Edition

Sir George Paton

null Edition

Sir George Paton

null Edition

Sir George Paton


This re-issue of the fourth edition of this calssic provides for students a detailed and careful examination of the key issues in the study of jurisprudence, the notion of law itself. It offers a lucid introduction to various approaches to the study of jurisprudence and shows that the different schools are not contradictory but complement each other. beginning with the nature of jurisprudence and the evolution of law, the book covers key areas such as the purpose of law, its sources, the relationship between law and the state or public law, and the major concepts in private law, including legal personality, property, possession, remedial rights, and the extinction of rights.

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