Social Research Methods

International Edition

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Publication date:



652 pages

Price: 1925.00 INR

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Publication date:



652 pages

Fifth Edition

Alan Bryman

The most comprehensive introduction to social research methods which guides students through the whole research process from formulating a research question to writing up.

Rights:  OUP UK (Indian Territory)

Fifth Edition

Alan Bryman


An introductory one-stop reference for students and researchers that offers unrivalled coverage of both qualitative and quantitative methods. Guides students through the whole research process from formulating a research question to writing up their findings. Packed full of practical tips and advice to help students undertake their own dissertation and research while avoiding common pitfalls.

Fifth Edition

Alan Bryman

Table of contents

Part One: The Research Process

  1. The nature and process of social research
  2. Social research strategies: quantitative research and qualitative research
  3. Research designs
  4. Planning a research project and formulating research questions
  5. Getting started: reviewing the literature
  6. Ethics and politics in social research
Part Two: Quantitative Research
  1. The nature of quantitative research
  2. Sampling in quantitative research
  3. Structured interviewing
  4. Self-administered questionnaires
  5. Asking questions
  6. Structured observation
  7. Content analysis
  8. Using existing data
  9. Quantitative data analysis
  10. Using IBM SPSS for Windows
Part Three: Qualitative Research
  1. The nature of qualitative research
  2. Sampling in qualitative research
  3. Ethnography and participant observation
  4. Interviewing in qualitative research
  5. Focus groups
  6. Language in qualitative research
  7. Documents as sources of data
  8. Qualitative data analysis
  9. Computer-assisted qualitative data analysis: using NVivo
Part Four: Mixed Methods Research and Writing Up
  1. Breaking down the quantitative/qualitative divide
  2. Mixed methods research: combining quantitative and qualitative research
  3. Writing up social research

Fifth Edition

Alan Bryman


  • E-research has been integrated throughout the book, reflecting the fact that internet-based research methods can no longer be treated separately from the main research process
  • New sections on Big Data, Skype interviewing, computer assisted content analysis, and using mobile phones as a platform for surveys
  • A new 'Research in the News' feature demonstrates how social research informs the headlines and raises interesting methodological issues
  • New coverage of mixed mode surveys, experience and event sampling and thematic synthesis for systematic reviews

Fifth Edition

Alan Bryman

Fifth Edition

Alan Bryman


An introductory one-stop reference for students and researchers that offers unrivalled coverage of both qualitative and quantitative methods. Guides students through the whole research process from formulating a research question to writing up their findings. Packed full of practical tips and advice to help students undertake their own dissertation and research while avoiding common pitfalls.

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Table of contents

Part One: The Research Process

  1. The nature and process of social research
  2. Social research strategies: quantitative research and qualitative research
  3. Research designs
  4. Planning a research project and formulating research questions
  5. Getting started: reviewing the literature
  6. Ethics and politics in social research
Part Two: Quantitative Research
  1. The nature of quantitative research
  2. Sampling in quantitative research
  3. Structured interviewing
  4. Self-administered questionnaires
  5. Asking questions
  6. Structured observation
  7. Content analysis
  8. Using existing data
  9. Quantitative data analysis
  10. Using IBM SPSS for Windows
Part Three: Qualitative Research
  1. The nature of qualitative research
  2. Sampling in qualitative research
  3. Ethnography and participant observation
  4. Interviewing in qualitative research
  5. Focus groups
  6. Language in qualitative research
  7. Documents as sources of data
  8. Qualitative data analysis
  9. Computer-assisted qualitative data analysis: using NVivo
Part Four: Mixed Methods Research and Writing Up
  1. Breaking down the quantitative/qualitative divide
  2. Mixed methods research: combining quantitative and qualitative research
  3. Writing up social research

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