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School Education
OUP India’s school publishing program caters to the needs of all major school boards, and offers blended learning solutions for all subjects. These learning solutions include course-linked interactive and online resources, learning and assessment based products, teacher trainings for professional development, and much more. With an outstanding range of support material for students and teachers, we remain an established market leader.

Featured Courses
ICSE Guided Mathematics Coursebook 2
Aashalata Badami
Oxford Advantage Mathematics Student's Book 1
Oxford University Press & India
New Enjoying Mathematics - Revised Edition Class 2
Aashalata Badami
New Science in Everyday Life- Revised Edition Coursebook 3
Vaishali Gupta, Anuradha Gupta, Supriya D. Seshadri & Shalini Bajaj
My English Folder Coursebook 4
John Jackman and Wendy Wren
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