eBooks and Assessment Solutions from OUP
Frequently Asked Questions
Select titles are available in Engineering & Technology, Business Management, Hospitality Management, Soft Skills & English Language Proficiency.
2. What is the duration of access for eBooks?
OUP eBooks are offered on a subscription access model for a duration up to 2 years.
3. Which devices are compatible for OUP eBooks?
OUP eBooks can be accessed from a wide range of devices – Desktops, Laptops, Tablets, Mobile phones.
4. What are the main features?
5. What are the key advantages of the platform?
- Ease of access
- Offline reading for learners
- Quizzes and assessments
- Helps teachers improve pedagogy (Digital Learning)
- Reports generate comparison matrix between course outcomes and program outcomes
6. Can students access the eBooks offline?
Yes, each student can access the eBook on 2 devices (laptop and mobile) for offline reading.
7. Can students share learning material?
Chapters of a particular book cannot be shared. However, a particular note (which contains highlighted material from a text page) can be shared through mail or social media apps. This will be transferred in the form of a link.
8. How does the focused search option help learners?
It generates relevant search results that are related to the learning material.
9. Can teacher reports be downloaded?
Yes, all reports are downloadable and can be viewed offline.
10. Is there any limit for tagging students to teachers?
No, there is no limit. One teacher can be tagged to many students; multiple teachers can also be tagged to multiple students.
11. What are the system requirements for the compatible devices?
Laptop/Desktop – The eBook application will work in laptops or desktops with Windows 10 operating system. A user will be required to download the eBook learning app from the Windows store.
Mobile/Tablet – Android and iOS apps of the eBook platform are required to be downloaded in order to read the eBooks.
12. Will the institution have access to the eBooks once the subscription period is over?
No, they will not. The institution will have to renew the subscription once the duration is over. They can choose new titles and can drop the titles that are no longer required.
13. In case of renewal, what is the pricing policy?
The pricing will be applicable as per the latest pricing list.
14. How can a product demonstration be provided?
Please reach out to local OUP representatives or write to hemarketing@oup.co.in. An online product demonstration can be conducted by the digital product team for the institution using MS Teams.
15. How can an institution evaluate OUP eBooks before making the purchase decision?
Trial access ID can be provided to an institution for a limited duration to evaluate the eBook.
16. How will the order be processed once the institution has confirmed the purchase after the proposal has been shared?
The institution needs to follow the simple 2-step approach after they have made a selection from the eBooks list: