Understanding English as a Lingua Franca

A complete introduction to the theoretical nature and practical implications of English used as a lingua franca.

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Publication date:



240 pages


Price: 745.00 INR

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Publication date:



240 pages


Part of Oxford Applied Linguistics

Barbara Seidlhofer

A clear explanation of the theories and principles underlying English as a Lingua Franca studies and how they relate to other areas of research.

Rights:  OUP UK (Indian Territory)

Part of Oxford Applied Linguistics

Barbara Seidlhofer


The number of English speakers in the world continues to grow, but the vast majority are non-native speakers using English to communicate with each other, rather than with native speakers. This book examines the use of English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) from various perspectives. It explores the various ways in which ELF represents a challenge to the predominance of the native-speaker model, as well as its implications for other fields of linguistic research and for English language teaching.

Part of Oxford Applied Linguistics

Barbara Seidlhofer

Part of Oxford Applied Linguistics

Barbara Seidlhofer


  • Gives a clear explanation of the theories and principles underlying ELF studies and how they relate to other areas of research, such as second language acquisition, sociolinguistic variation, and World Englishes
  • Accessible and relevant to a wide range of readers: applied linguists (especially sociolinguists), master's students, teacher trainers and teachers, and anybody with an interest in the English language and how it is used worldwide.
  • The author is a leading authority in ELF and the book addresses and brings up to date many aspects of her thinking and research in this field.
  • The book is grounded in practical research. The author is founding director of the Vienna-Oxford International Corpus of English (VOICE), the first freely-accessible computer-corpus of interactions in English as a lingua franca. Reference is made to this data throughout.
  • Includes a final chapter addressing the potential practical implications of work on ELF for English language teaching.

Part of Oxford Applied Linguistics

Barbara Seidlhofer

Part of Oxford Applied Linguistics

Barbara Seidlhofer


The number of English speakers in the world continues to grow, but the vast majority are non-native speakers using English to communicate with each other, rather than with native speakers. This book examines the use of English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) from various perspectives. It explores the various ways in which ELF represents a challenge to the predominance of the native-speaker model, as well as its implications for other fields of linguistic research and for English language teaching.

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